In 2023, investor enthusiasm around generative AI helped erase the prior year's bubble of market pessimism and drive impressive price gains across AI-related stocks. The investment team at Zevenbergen Capital Investments, which specializes in high-growth equity portfolios, discusses where they see compelling opportunities to capitalize on this transformative technology, both currently and longer term, as well as key considerations and potential risks.

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The commentary is the opinion of Zevenbergen Capital Investments. This material has been prepared using sources of information generally believed to be reliable; however, its accuracy is not guaranteed. Opinions represented are subject to change and should not be considered investment advice or an offer of securities.

Investing in innovation is not without risk, and there is no guarantee that investments in research and development will result in a company gaining market share or achieving enhanced revenue. Companies developing technologies to displace older technologies or create new markets may not in fact do so, and there may be sector-specific risks as well.