Online Account Information: Logging In/Secure Sign In

Virtus Mutual Fund Account Log In

Investor Login allows you to log into the site that provides access to your mutual fund account(s) via the Internet. 

The site uses a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) server. This ensures that all communication between you and the server are encrypted and cannot be viewed by third parties. In addition to using a secure server, the site requires 128-bit encryption or higher. 

Virtus Mutual Fund Investors Log In

To sign in: 

  1. In the User Id field, type your User Id. 
  2. In the Password field, type your password. Note - Your log in credentials should not be “saved” or “remembered” on your computer for your next log in. This will not allow you to log in.

Additional Information: 

A multi-factor authentication (MFA) method is used to confirm a user’s identity. MFA is a security system that requires more than one method of authentication from independent categories of credentials to verify the user’s identity for a login. This would include your user Id and password, and in certain instances, an Identity Confirmation/Authentication Code will be required. An Identity Confirmation/Authentication Code is a five digit code that can either be sent to you by email or by text to your cell phone. 

There are many reasons why an Identity Confirmation/Authentication Code may be required. Any time there are changes or inconsistencies, including but not limited to, a change in a login pattern or computer update, an authentication code may be required. 

If you login using a new or different device, you will be required to authenticate with an Authentication Code. You will also be required to complete the Remember Me section. Selecting yes will connect your account with this device allowing for easier access. Select No if you are using a public device or one that you will not use frequently. 

Note - if you are using the private browser function, the Remember Me section will not be enabled.